Monday, August 18, 2014

Charming Spanish city of Marbella


There is this charming city on the shore of southern Spain called «Beach sun» costa del sol extends from the city of Malaga to the city of Green Island, identified in the records of the Middle Ages in both Latin and Arabic. 

Climate of Marbella "marbella" moderate in the four seasons of the year, free of moisture, refreshing breezes blowing them, since the sixties of the last century has become a magnet for tourists destination from all sides. In search of sun and comfort. 

In the eighties I knew a significant leap in the field of tourism, especially with regard to the renewal of this sector spread across luxury hotels, high-end residential groups constructed Andalusian Arab and beautiful gardens scattered everywhere. It also prepared a special port for receiving yachts from the world's rich Arabs and non-Arabs, who built their luxurious palaces for their stay. 
Marbella residents welcome visitors and tourists and cheer for their arrival and treat them gentler treatment. 

Marbella in history 
Marbella was a small town, of great importance in the history of Andalusia during the Islamic presence because of its geographical location near the Strait of Gibraltar. Mentioned by Abu Abdullah Muhammad al-Idrisi in (Book Roger) (as mentioned by Ibn Battuta in his book (masterpiece principals in the oddity of the regions and the wonders of travel) (says the Marbella city overflowing with food variety to the large farms and cattle. In his book: "Marbella Muslim," he says of the Spanish "Fernando Marin pasture": Join Marbella busy urban effects which remains the most over the centuries., but what is currently worth studying, restoration and maintenance. 
  The charming city of Marbella Spanish ..... 
It is visiting Spain in any of the seasons of the year, he must go eventually to Marbella, 
Which means beautiful sea known as a rest stop princes. 
These are adorned with the features of the city of Andalusia and the medieval charm turned in a few years to better addresses upscale travel 
Which summarizes the meanings of recreation and welfare of the residence. 
In less than 50 minutes drive from the airport city "Malacca" up tourist relaxed to Marbella in southern Spain on the port, "Del Sol" extended until the island green. 

This city-like resort is open to the sun to receive guests bouquets perfumed scent of the sea and beaches shaded mountain peaks turned in a rare sight to Marbella icon Almtsabah always. 
Language in the city of Marbella 

Spanish (espa & ntilde; ol or castellano) Indo-European language romantic, which is the official language and popular in the countries of Spain called the Spanish language originally language Casteh (Castilian), and was the national language of Kastellaan, believed to have originated in the Cordillera, and spread all over Spain in the eighth and ninth centuries AD .. After recovery, the language has grown Alcasteh to almost the entire southern Spain and replaced the languages ​​spoken in the Maghreb region, also received strong influences of these languages ​​which absorbed gradually and eventually became known as the Spanish. 

Spanish has become the city of Marbella since the sixties of the last century a popular destination for tourists from the countries of the world. 
Has defined the early eighties boom noticeable in the field of tourism where the spread of luxury resorts, apartments and luxury hotel constructed Andalusian-style, including the lighting of the gardens. 
The shape of the port "Porto Bananos" in which case a special tourist yachts to receive the world's richest men who built their mansions luxury there. 
And contributed to raising the status on the map of the most important sites hospitality at all. 
The climate in the city of Marbella 
The charming city of Marbella Spanish ..... 
Mediterranean climate moderate in the four seasons of the year, free of moisture. 
Geographical information about the city of Marbella 
Is a city located in the province of Malaga in the south-east Spain overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. Known as a tourist city task.

1 comment:

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